Various Initiatives By NHFDC For Disabled Persons
Various Initiatives By NHFDC For Disabled Persons


National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) announces 2500 scholarships for disabled students  (Divyangjan) of Technical & Professional courses in Degree & Post Graduate Levels.


These scholarships will be available for studies in India, for all differently-abled students  (Divyangjan) who are covered under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.


This program also covers  Divyangjan under the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, & Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999. Only Indian Nationals will be eligible for scholarships.

1. 30 % of them are reserved for girls with disabilities.

2. 2500 Rupees for Degree Course & 3000 Rupees for Post Graduate course per month upto 10 months.

3. 6000 Rupees for Degree & 10000 Rupees for Postgraduate students per annum as Book/Stationery allowance.

4. But the monthly income of disabled student-parent will be upto 25000 per month.

5. Apply online on www.nhfdc.nic.in & take a print and get the recommendation of the institutional head & post it with other relevant documents. such as

Attested copies of academic records.

Annual income proof of parent.

Attested copy of Disability Certificate.

Fee receipt & other receipts for allowances.

Bank passbook photocopy with the canceled cheque.

For Further details go on www.nhfdc.nic.in.

The tentative date for application is June month of every year.


Visually handicapped students will be provided aids and appliances, only once during their lifetime, as given below :

Brailler / Brailler Typewriter for blind students costs up to Rs. 10,000.00

Laptop or Desktop with Screen reading software for blind students, up to cost Rs. 40,000.00

Laptop or Desktop with Screen Magnification software for low vision students, Rs.60,000.00


Hearing Handicapped students will be provided aids and appliances, only once during their lifetime, as given below :

Binaural digital programmable hearing aid with annual provision of button cells, cost upto Rs. Rs 50,000 + Rs 3600 p.a.

Cell phone with SMS SIM card,upto cost Rs. 5,000.00

Laptop or Desktop with WiFi (Blue tooth) facility, Rs.70,000.00



Orthopaedically Handicapped students, in addition, will be provided Laptop or Desktop upto cost Rs. 40,000.00, only once during a lifetime.

You can put your queries on email- amitsrahul@gmail.com


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