If you want to know about the recruitment process of RRB JE of the Indian Railway. This post will become informative & useful for you. In this post, JE’s Salary, the name of the Job, and the necessary books for preparation are explained here.
I am Rahul, a blogger & working professionally in the engineering field since 2008. I have done my BTech in Mechanical engineering. This post will provide you with various useful information about RRB JE.
For illustration purposes, I have taken here Central Employment Notice (CEN) No. 03/2018. Here about Job, Syllabus of the exam, exam pattern, etc have been given.
Junior Engineer Recruitment Process, Salary And Books For Preparation
Railway Recruitment Boards invite ONLINE applications to vide CENTRALISED EMPLOYMENT NOTICE (CEN) No.03/2018 from eligible candidates for the posts of
1. Junior Engineer (JE),
2. Junior Engineer (Information Technology) [JE(IT)],
3. Depot Material Superintendent (DMS)
4. Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA)
with initial pay of Rs. 35400/-, plus other allowances admissible at that time.
Basic education is a Diploma or Degree in desired subjects as per the applied job. The age limit is 18-33 years excluding age relaxation for SC/ST candidates.
There shall be a two-stage Computer Based Test (CBT). RRB-wise shortlisting of candidates for 2nd Stage CBT shall be done at the rate of 15 times (may increase or decrease as per the requirement of Railway Administration).
The shortlisting of 2nd Stage CBT will be based on the merit of the candidates in 1st Stage CBT.
The RRB-wise shortlisted candidates for 2nd Stage CBT shall be advised through the official websites of RRBs the official websites of RRBs and their e-mail to download call letter for appearing in the 2nd Stage CBT.
Promotion Policy
After 5-year job experience as Jr. Engineer in Indian Railway, you get a departmental exam opportunity. If you qualify for the exam, you will be called for an interview.
In case you clear the interview then you will be promoted to Assistant Rank Officer means from Group C to Group B. Assistant rank officer is executive cadre in Indian Railways. There is no restriction on no attempts for appearing in Assistant Rank Examination.
If you have not cleared the exam & the interview then after 10 years, you will be promoted as Senior Section Engineer MEANS LEVEL-7 & PAY SCALE RS. 53,600 APPROX. In July of every year, you will get a yearly increment. Then after every 10 years, you will be got the momentary benefit.
Priority of Post
There are various types of vacancies. Some of them are concerned with Openline ( carriage & Wagon), Works shop, Designing, stores, etc. Their nature is office type or shift duty type. For making the decision as per your choice see this link:- JOB PROFILE OF RAILWAY JUNIOR ENGINEER Please go through these details.
It is directly concerned with the maintenance of the train at coaching depots.it is 24 hours job in 3 shift (each shift of 8 hours without break).
It is concerned with the tender section for the purchase of the machine & infrastructure development. It is an office job in 10 to 5 hours.
It is concerned with taking care of the train engine. It is also a 24-hour job.
It is concerned with the maintenance of the train engine at the diesel engine shed. It is also a 24-hour job.
It is concerned with the Production of coaches & engines in the factory. It is a 24-hour job.
6. R and D –
The name implies Research & Development, it is concerned with the development of new techniques & product at RDSO & its various centers of all over India. It is office duty.
It is concerned with various maintenance work of coaches at the workshop. It also shifts jobs.
Junior Engineer Recruitment Process
The total No. of questions is approximately 100 and the allowable time 90 minutes (120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied by Scribe).
The 1st stage of CBT is of a screening nature and the standard of questions for the CBT will generally be in conformity with the educational standards and/or minimum technical qualifications prescribed for the posts.
The normalized score of 1st stage exam shall be used only for shortlisting of candidates for 2nd stage exam as per their merit.
Candidates who are shortlisted for 2nd stage CBT availing the reservation benefits of a community, PwBD and ExSM shall continue to be considered only against that community for all subsequent stages of the recruitment process.
For exam preparation, you take help from books mentioned in this link:- NAME OF BOOKSFOR ENGINEERING EXAMS The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining to:
Number systems, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM and HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square Root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern.
Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision Making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions, etc.
Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture, and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Polity, and constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Sports, General scientific and technological developments, etc.
Physics, Chemistry, and Life Sciences (up to 10th Standard CBSE syllabus).
The section-wise Number of questions and marks are shown below mentioned table.
Subjects | No. of Questions | Marks for each Section |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | 25 | 25 |
General Awareness | 15 | 15 |
General Science | 30 | 30 |
The total No. of questions is approximately 150 and the allowable time 120 minutes (160 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied by Scribe).
Shortlisting of Candidates for the 2nd Stage CBT exam shall be based on the normalized marks obtained by them in the 1st Stage CBT Exam.
The total number of candidates to be shortlisted for the 2nd Stage shall be 15 times the community-wise total vacancy of Posts notified against the RRB as per their merit in 1st Stage CBT. However, Railways reserve the right to increase/decrease this limit in total or for any specific category(s) as required to ensure the availability of adequate candidates for all the notified posts.
The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining to General Awareness, Physics and Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control, and Technical abilities for the post. The syllabus for General Awareness, Physics, and Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control is common for all notified posts under this CEN as detailed below:-
Knowledge of Current affairs, Indian geography, culture, and history of India including freedom struggle, Indian Polity, and constitution, Indian Economy, Environmental issues concerning India and the World, Sports, General scientific and technological developments, etc.
Up to 10th standard CBSE syllabus.
The architecture of Computers; input and Output devices; Storage devices, Networking, Operating systems like Windows, Unix, and Linux; MS Office; Various data representations; Internet and Email; Websites & Web Browsers; Computer Viruses.
Basics of Environment; Adverse effect of environmental pollution and control strategies; Air, water and Noise pollution, their effect and control; Waste Management, Global warming; Acid rain; Ozone depletion.
The section-wise Number of questions and marks are shown below mentioned table.
Subjects | No. of Questions | Marks for each Section |
General Awareness | 15 | 15 |
Physics & Chemistry | 15 | 15 |
Basics of Computers and Applications | 10 | 10 |
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control | 10 | 10 |
Technical Abilities | 100 | 100 |
Detailed Centralized Employment Notification:- CEN 03/2018
Opening of online registration:- at 10:00 hrs 02.01.2019
Closing of online registration:- at 23:59 hrs 31.01.2019
Closing of offline payment:- at 13:00 hrs 04.02.2019
Closing of online payment:- at 22:00 hrs 05.02.2019
Closing of online submission of application complete in all respects:- at 23:59 hrs 07.02.2019
1st Stage Computer Based Test (CBT):- Tentatively scheduled during April/May, 2019
Junior Engineer Recruitment Process, Books For Preparation
Books for Preparation
At last, I want to advise you to purchase the following books, which are very useful for the preparation of RRB along with all Govt. Examination concerned to Jobs for Graduate & Diploma Engineering. Some books are common to all branches of engineering students. But some are specific to concerned branches. Books in Sl. No. 1,2,3/4,5/6 are common to all engineering branches. But Sl. no. 7 for Mechanical, 8 for Electrical, 9 for Civil & Sl. no. 10,11, 12 are non-core books. I have mentioned a direct link to books, from where you can purchase the books.
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations – R S Aggarwal
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning -R S Aggarwal
Lucent’s Samanya Gyan (Hindi) – written by a team of experts of Lucent publications
Railway Samanya Adhayan 1046 Sets (2018-2019) Session (Hindi) – written by Suchit Kumar
Objective Mechanical Engineering – P. K. Mishra(Author)
RRB Objective Electrical Engineering 2018 – Arihant Experts (Author)
Handbook Series of Electronics & Communication Engineering – Experts Compilation (Author)
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