Top 14 Reasons Due To Marriages Fail Or Martial Divorce.
There are various common issues in every married life. This does not matter; it is a love marriage or arranged marriage.
After marriage, both girl and boy become single units & represent your families.
After marriage, social/family & financial problems also arise due to the combination of both families, the birth of a baby, home loan, car loan, etc. I have tried to list them here.
It will help you to know them & handle the situation.

1. Cooking issue:
Before marriage, a girl has not have the habit of cooking. Normally, cooking is the responsibility of her mother in her home. Every home or culture has a unique technique for cooking anything; it creates a difference in taste. So newly married bride fails in the test of cooking at her husband’s home or at her husband’ kitchen. So just after marriage; you can’t expect her as an expert in cooking.
2. Dressing Habit/Sense:
Before marriage, a girl or boy frees to wear anything. But after marriage, the condition is totally different. Now you have to care choice of partner or family because now you are husband/wife. So it is better to adopt new dressing sense as per partner or parents.
3. Social Behaviour:
After marriage, you get a new status called Married Couple. Accordingly, it is necessary to change/improve your social behavior. Because your social behavior affects the social status of your family along with your in-laws’ family.
4. Sexual Life:
Sexual Relationship between wife & Husband is the pillar of married life. It is very necessary for a happy married life at every step of life. But due to various reasons, it can be disturbed in married life such as tiredness, anxiety, physical weakness, etc. It can be sorted out by the discussion of both partners.

5. Alcoholism or Drug Addition:
Normally such type of addiction remains hidden before marriage. After marriage, when a girl knows about it, her heart has broken. But there is the solution; you allow him some time to give up such addiction. After proper counseling with love, he will free from such addiction.
6. Inventory control of household goods:
Normally the wife is the overall manager of the home. She has knowledge of the number of household goods. She has to maintain stocks of everything. So during need, she can find them in the right quantity, otherwise, the problem will be created.

7. Family Planning issue:
After mutual consent, the couple has to plan for the baby. Before taking the decision of becoming parents, the couple should prepare mentally, physically & economically for it. It is better to consult your doctor and read any good book on pregnancy.
8. Parental Advice:
There is the various example of excessive parental control from in-laws of bride or groom. It can be unbalanced in your married life. It is better to become judgemental on each parental advice so that you can think before the implementation of parental advice for the sake of smooth marriage life.

9. Income issue:
Before marriage, every girl has knowledge of the income of her future husband. So after marriage, a girl can’t demand anything, which is not possible in her husband’s income/salary.
10. Help in household works:
Normally, husbands are not eager to help their wives in household work. In this situation, you talk to him & ask for help. After doing some work, he will learn to do these works.
11. Child care issue:
Many of husbands are not involved in child care. But if you take initiative & talk to him, he will happily take care of his child.
12. Less communication:
This problem is common to every married life. Seeing TV in the bedroom, excessive use of the internet (social apps), office work at home are some common factors, which create improper communication between partners.

13. Shopping addiction:
Many girls/Boys have a shopping addiction. Before marriage, it can be tolerable. But after marriage, various types of financial liability come such as home loans, car loans, etc. Now, this habit creates a problem in married life.
14. An extramarital affair:
In the case of your partner is involved in an extra-marital affair, the following actions can be taken.
- Talk to him/her and make promises not to repeat the same.
- Inform about that to your and his/her parents & ask them to intervene in this matter.
- If the problem continues then go for divorce.
I have mentioned a link about choosing your soulmate, the good selection will minimize the above-mentioned problems. PARAMETER & STANDARDS IN DETAIL FOR FINDING YOUR SOULMATE (BRIDE/GROOM)