Here I am explaining some futuristic courses provided by NIELIT, Aurangabad. Said courses are also available at various IITs, NITs, IISC, etc other various institutes.
In the post initially, Blockchain has been explained in detail, then other course details are provided. Courses are following.
1. Blockchain
2. Big Data
3. SMAC Technologies
4. Three (3 ) D Printing /Additive Manufacturing
5. IOT ( Internet of Things)
6. Digital Marketing
7. Robotics Process Automation
8. BOT Development
9. Automation Technology
10. Printed Circuit Board Design

I. Blockchain
Basically, Blockchain is the combination of blocks that means records or data. Blockchain is a decentralized secured system.
Data available on Blockchain can be seen by anyone, but can’t be changed by a single admin. There is no chance of data adulteration. So it is very secured & accessible by everyone.
First thing Blockchain & Bitcoin are two different things. Blockchain is base & Bitcoin is its product. Actually, it is the mother of the Bitcoin system.
Blockchain is a technology, a platform where not only a digital currency but anything can be digitized and its record can be kept.
So blockchain is a digital ledger. But, bitcoin is a digital medium, through which we and you or anyone else can sell and buy some things.
It is a virtual currency because it has no value in the real world. Till date Bitcoin has not got legal approval in the world.
In spite of various controversies on Bitcoin is quite popular in the world due to Ethereum Smart Contract. Ethereum is a smart contract written on Solidity Language for the cryptocurrency Ether.
Satoshi Nakamoto is called the father of Bitcoin. In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto conceptualized the theory of distributed blockchain utilizing a peer-to-peer network for timestamping and verifying each exchange without a central authority.
The fundamental blocks of programs composed for the ethereum platform are called “smart contracts”. A transaction in an Ethereum is considered as the data package which is signed and contains the information which is to be sent.
Ethereum blocks contain both a transaction list and the most recent “state” of the ledger of these transactions.

Practical Example of Blockchain Application
A student has cleared written & Interview for the particular job. Now Employer wants to check the authenticity of his degree certificate. Since Educational frauds are a common thing in the world, and by spending few thousand bucks, anyone can acquire a degree, although a fake one.
So the verification process of an employee’s certificate requires huge time & money and not every employer can afford that.
Now blockchain comes in the role, which is basically a decentralized open ledger, where any change needs the agreement of all the stakeholders. So educational degrees on the blockchain are tamper-proof, and verification of those degrees becomes easier and seamless.
As per Govt. of India , we have large blocks of info in the following format.
Aadhaar: The world’s largest 1.2 billion biometric identity database, with 2.5 million authentications per day.
UPI: A state-of-the-art digital payment system, processing 1.3 billion transactions a month.
GSTN: 400 million returns have been filed on it and more than 80 million invoices have been loaded.
Ayushman Bharat PM-JAY : The world’s largest healthcare system, data of 50 crore beneficiaries, 119 crore e-cards have been issued.
It means, wherever there is big Data collection, Blockchain will be best suitable to handle them efficiently with great saving of Time & Money. So in the future, all big data will be operated by a Blockchain platform.
1. Certificate course in writing Smart Contracts (6 weeks)
2. Faculty Development Training (2 weeks)
3. Corporate Training Program (1 week)
4. Webinars – Free of Cost
Tools covered for Writing & Deploying a Secure Smart Contracts: Solidity (Contracts, Variables, Complex Types, Functions, Modifiers, Events, Resources, Inheritance, Exception handling) , Remix IDE, Metamask, Test Networks, Geth, Wallets, Ganache-cli, Node.js, Web3.js, NPM, Frontend for Smart Contracts, HTTP Server, MyEtherWallet (MEW), Libraries, Security Considerations, and their preventions.
All the tools are Open Source and are thus freely available. Excellent rich resources in the form of handouts and ppts are being provided for installations, configurations, and debugging of issues being faced by candidates.

In today’s world, data is the new oil. Big Data simply refers to a large amount of data in a structured, semi-structured, or unstructured format. Due to the voluminous size of data, it becomes difficult to manage and process it using traditional databases and software techniques. So, there is a need for Bigdata techniques for gathering, storing, and analyzing that data.
Online Course Offered by NIELIT:
1. Certificate course in BigData (6 weeks) – Rs. 4500 + GST
2. Faculty Development Training (2 weeks) – Rs 3000 + GST
3. Corporate Training Program (1 week) – Rs 2000 + GST
4. Webinars – Free of Cost
Skill-Sets to be imparted:
1. Linux as the operating system and Ubuntu as server distribution for Hadoop installations.
2. Hadoop Architecture (HDFS, YARN, DataNode, NameNode).
3. Map-Reduce programs through Java using Eclipse.
4. MySQL – Knowledge of SQL query and commands.
5. Main software packages of Hadoop ecosystem viz Sqoop, Apache Hive, Derby, Beeline, Pig and Spark.

III. 3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing
The world’s first 3D printed steel bridge has been installed over one of Amsterdam’s oldest canals, in the red light district. This futuristic was developed by MX3D .
This course will give exposure and enhancing the knowledge and skills of engineers involved in the operational use of 3D Scanners, 3D Printers, CAD packages, and for those who want to provide training to others in this area.
The target audience for the courses on 3D Printing Additive Manufacturing”
1. Training of Trainers –trainers from lead, co lead and TPs
2. Training of Govt officials – officials from departments where 3D printing has applications – like medical, dental, defence, revenue.
3. PWD, CSIR labs, Engg. college and polytechnic faculty etc.
4. Bridge courses for IT/ ITes working professional and fresh recruits who want to make a career in 3D printing industry

IV. SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud)
As the name implies, this course is related to Social Media Applications. The knowledge of SMAC will empower the employee of the organization to use & control the information in an efficient way.
Course offering:
I) Bridge Courses(Blended)
ii) Government Official Training

V) Internet of Things (IoT)
The IoT has directly related to the convergence of multiple technologies, real-time analytics, machine learning, commodity sensors, and embedded systems.
Online Course Offered by NIELIT:
1. Certificate course IOT (6 weeks) – Rs. 4500 + GST
2. Faculty Development Training for IOT (2 weeks) – Rs 3000 + GST
3. Govt. Official Training Program (1 week) – Sponsored by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, GOI.
4. Webinars
Learning Outcomes of IoT Course:
A person will develop experience on working with the INDUS-IoT kit. The person will understand the basics of IoT with reference to a case study including the reference architecture, functional blocks and various applications with deep insights into the multiple design challenges. The person will develop insights into
I) microcontroller programming on INDUS-IoT kit including peripheral configuration like like ADC, DAC, timers (PWM) and different Serial Communication protocols including SPI, I2C ,UART.
ii) Understanding of working of sensors & actuators depending on use cases
iii) Interfacing analog sensor and digital sensors using inbuilt ADC and peripherals like UART, SPI, I2C
iv) Know-hows of TCP-IP protocol stack in practice
v) Interfacing network peripherals to set up Wi-Fi and BLE based networks
vi) Hands-on on wireshark for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth packet analysis
vii) Write RESTFul Web services which produce responses in the form of JSON or XML.
viii) Setup complete MQTT Architecture with the capabilities to send data between devices.
ix) Understand the working of application layer protocols like CoAP and MQTT.

Digital marketing refers to advertising delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps.
For example, Think with Google marketing insights found that 48% of consumers start their inquiries on search engines, while 33% look to brand websites and 26% search within mobile applications.
Online Course Offered by NIELIT:
1. Certificate course (6 weeks) – Rs. 4500 + GST
2. Faculty Development Training (2 weeks) – Rs 3000 + GST
3. Corporate Training Program (1 week) – Rs 2000 + GST
4. Webinars – Free of Cost
What does a digital marketer do?
Digital marketers are in charge of driving brand awareness and lead generation through all the digital channels — both free and paid — that are at a company’s disposal. These channels include social media, the company’s own website, search engine rankings, email, display advertising, and the company’s blog.

VII. Robotic Process Automation ( RPA)
Practical examples of RPA Bots are Amazon’s Alexa, Applies’s Siri, Google’s Google Assistant, etc. RPA bots are able to copy-paste, scrape web data, make calculations, open and move files, parse emails, log into programs, connect to APIs and extract unstructured data.
RPA Course Offers:
Introduction To Robotic Process Automation
Types of RPA Bot and Lifecycle
Development of RPA project
Real-time Project
Hands-on practical sessions.
Scenario-Based Experience
Tools UIpath
Complete Knowledge from Installation to project development in UIpath
Online Course Offered by NIELIT:
1. Certificate course RPA (6 weeks) – Rs. 4500 + GST
2. Faculty Development Training (2 weeks) – Rs 3000 + GST
3. Corporate Training Program (1 week) – Rs 2000 + GST
4. Webinars – Free of Cost

VIII. Bot Development
A practical life Bot is a website, LiveChat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Slack, Kik, etc. The future is of Bot. A chatbot is a software that imitates human-like conversation with users via websites and mobile messaging apps. Chatbots answer users’ questions and help them handle simple tasks without the help of a human.
What This Course Offers:
Introduction to Bot developments and Types of Bots
Built an AI chat bot ”JAARVIS” using C#
Installation of Bot framework using Bot Emulator for C# or Python
Creating Bots with the Microsoft Bot Framework, Welcome Bot
Example to Run Echobot using Bot Emulator. using C# or Python
Create a Cardbot (Like Animations Cards, Gif Introduces all card types including thumbnail, audio, media etc. prompt bot by presenting a card with buttons in the welcome message that route to appropriate dialog.) using C# or Python
1.Certificate course in writing Smart Contracts (6 weeks) – Rs. 4500 + GST
2.Faculty Development Training (2 weeks) –Rs3000+GST
3.Corporate Training Program (1 week) – Rs 2000 + GST
4.Webinars – Free of Cost

IX. Automation technology
The purpose of this course is to provide a basic level of exposure to automation technology. Students will be exposed to cutting-edge technologies in automation, knowledge of new developments in automation. Students will be industry-ready for Automation technology hydraulic pneumatic and electric automation.
Online Course Offered by NIELIT:
Certificate course in Automation Technology (5 weeks) – Rs. 4500 + GST
Faculty Development Training (2 weeks) – Rs 3000 + GST
Webinars – Free of Cost
Some Industrial Automation Companies:
Siemens, ABB, Emerson Process Management, Rockwell Automation, Schneider Electric, Honeywell process solutions, Mitsubishi Electric, Yokogawa Electric, Omron automation, Danaher Industrial Ltd, etc.

X. Printed Circuit Board Design ( PCB)
Printed circuit boards are used interconnection technology for components in electronic products. They now include finer conductor tracks and thinner laminates, present in an ever-increasing number of layers. PCB will have higher functionality, improved reliability, and lower cost through better and more tightly controlled/cost-effective processing.
Online Courses offered by NIELIT:
Course on PCB Drafting (2-week): Rs 2000/-(Including GST )
Course on PCB design using CAD tools (KiCAD) (5-days) Rs.2000/- (Including GST).
Workshop/ FDP on PCB design (1-day): Rs.1000/- (Including GST).
If you are a professional in the above-mentioned jobs, then please comment in the post about your practical experience. It would be beneficial for newcomers or mail us rahulrainbow11@gmail.com or telegram us.
Shown images & brief content used for illustrative purposes only. No Copyright infringement intended. Most of the content has been taken from the Future Skills Section of the National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology, Aurangabad. The content is summarised only for illustrative purposes only.