Draft of New National Education Policy (NEP) has been approved in Lok Sabha on 29th July 2020. After a long gap of 34 years, the National Education policy has come. Further, there are some challenges to implement NEP.
The main attraction of NEP is 1. Skill development at the school level, 2. Use of Digital platforms for education such as Swayam, NPTEL, etc., 3. Value of mother/Regional language, 4. Reduce the effect of the English language at the primary level ( Class 1 to 5) & 5. Treat vocational education as regular academics.
Earlier School education is based on a 10+2 pattern. Now the pattern has changed into 5+3+3+4.
Foundation Course: – It covers the first 3 years in Anganwadi or Play School. After that Class I & II. Children will get admission at the age of 4 & complete at the age of 8.
Preparatory Course:- It will cover class-3,4 & 5. Entry age will 9 & exit age 11.During teaching more effort on practical education rather than bookish knowledge.
At this stage, there is a provision of mother tongue/regional language as a medium of course. There is no provision of English. After class-5, English may be one subject or medium of education.
Middle Course: It will be class-6, 7 & 8. The child will enter at the age of 12 & exit at 14. At this Vocation & extra Curricular activities (Arts, music, coding, etc) will be added with academics.
During 3-year education child have to do internships with local craftsmen & also get practical experience of various professional works such as welding, electrician work, Laundry work, etc.
The purpose of such an initiative is to give exposure to them about such common work needed for society. After visiting, they will get a real knowledge of work. It will help them to choose optional skills during class 9 to Class 12.
Higher/Secondary Course: This part is the most important. The 10th Board examination system has been dropped. Now for Class 9-12, the semester pattern has been adopted. Exams will be held on every six months.
The purpose of such an education system is skilled manpower even after on age of 19 only. In the worst case, just after passing the 12th exam, he will able to earn some money every month.
The flexibility of Subjects:- In this scheme, Govt. will give you the freedom to read the subject as per your interest. Boundary among Arts, Science, Commerce & vocational courses will be reduced.
Probable Problems of the scheme: It is ok, u get a degree in multiple subjects. But when you will go for a job, they will not engage due to a multi-disciplinary degree. The industry will always prefer students from core subjects not multi-disciplinary. Even after Govt. publishes notices for jobs from students of core subjects.
Multiple Exit/Entry: In this, you can leave your degree course after completion of the first year. In such a case you will not lose your year. As per the credit transfer concept, your one-year certificate will be added to your new course if you take admission.
The common graduation course will be for 2 years. If a student is seeking a research or teaching profession in the future, the duration of graduation will be 3years.M.Phil has been discontinued in the future.
Presently very lesser no. of educational content are available in regional languages. For the creation of E-Content, Govt. will open the Indian Institute of Translation & Interpretation.
For the implementation of new technologies in education, Govt. will set up National Educational Technology Forum, NETF.
The school will be digitally equipped. Teachers will be trained in digital teaching methods. So one Model Multidisciplinary Education and Research University (MERU) will be opened in each district.
UGC, AICTE to be replaced by a single Higher Education Regulator – HECI (High Education Commission of India).
National Institute for Pali, Persian, and Prakrit Will be opened for the development of old language in the context of the modern age.
There will be Common Standards of Learning in Public & Private Schools.
The capacity of School: At there are no sufficient nos. of teachers to carry out extra-curricular activities such as Arts, Music, Sports, Coding, etc in main academics.
Digital Education: Our schools are not equipped well for Digital education. Teachers are not able to take digital classes in a good manner.
More than 70% of the population is not capable to buy computers & net facilities. There is no facility of the Internet at the proper speed in villages.
In such a condition, digital education creates a huge difference in education on the country level.
Use of Regional Language: Despite good initiative, the use of regional language will create a difference between poor & elite class children. Due to knowledge English, the Indian software industry is in better condition compared to other Asian countries.
The flexibility of subjects: A degree in A multidisciplinary subject will create unemployment. Our industry is typed to the use of employees from core subjects. Even Govt. companies recruit students with only core subjects.
Multiple Exit/Entry: It will create a degree in multidisciplinary subjects. Such a degree has no use in the case of the teaching or research sector.
Uniformity of syllabus: Presently there are various boards of education such as CBSE, ICSE, Religious boards & state boards. In the whole country, there are more no. of private institutions than Govt. intuitions. It is not easy to implement a uniform syllabus for all of them.
Lack of time: Our teachers are involved in various Govt. Works such as electoral duties, census counting, mid-day meal involvement, etc. Doing the above duties, they have very lesser time for completion of such enhanced subjects as per ner education policy 2020.
Use of English: Most of the Govt. & Private works perform in the English language. Most of the better study materials are available in English only. Some materials are available in Hindi but in the case of regional language very less.
Ph.D. Degree Time Limit: There is no proper planning for higher education such as a Ph.D. degree. It is time-bound for the completion of a Ph.D. degree. Despite getting a Ph.D. degree from IITs, they are not getting priority in teaching Research jobs.
National Open School or University: Despite Govt. Certificate from open Institution, you are not eligible for the job. This means these degrees are only added educational status, not monetary benefit. Either Govt. give strict instruction to own departments & Private organizations for their employment or Govt. announces these degrees are not fit for the job. Such clear instruction will save money & time of Student.